Yesterday, while listening to an NPR interview about the recent firing of Shirley Sherrod from the Agriculture Department, it becomes clear there is no compromise position being voiced in the media, just a string of accusations. So the person being interviewed is the former editor of the leading review journal on media. During the interview he repeatedly refers to conservatives as if all conservatives are radicals and all conservative media are the demons from hell, specifically FOX News. While never an unkind word or accusation is aimed at liberal Democrats or liberal media no matter where they stand on the scale of intolerance.
And then I realize this dialog is the same as many conversations among people I know, and it's a common theme in politics. The easiest, simplest thing to do is complain and point fingers - it solves nothing. Where are the solutions people? We put way to much faith in "leaders" the majority have more ego than intelligence.
So the question is multifaceted, did a polarized media start a social condition in which we have no tolerance or interest in compromise or middle ground? Is the political system a result of social change or is the change in our society a reflection of the political system. Should we make the Congress and Senate solve legislative boondoggles (which is all we currently have) through binding arbitration?