Which spending habits of the 1% are deemed acceptable behavior?
Billionaires frequently show up to work dressed in jeans and T-shirts (black preferred). Typically live in small towns, drive 10 year old cars, and eat in diners. While it's acceptable for someone making $200,000+ a year to spend money on any room in the house formerly used by servants. But vulgar to spend on adult toys such as fast cars for the pleasure it might bring.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
New America - Acceptable/Unacceptable Behaviour
This is the first installation of what will become a series of observations. My motivation comes from a New York Times Op-Ed by Paul V. Kane.
It is acceptable to display your fitness inequality by wearing tight clothing (or not) that reveals buns of steal and ripped abs. It is a display of a superior workout ethic, dietary superiority (even if it includes the use of steroids), self-discipline, and reproductive potential.
It is unacceptable to make a display of moral and ethical superiority, after all isn't it a subjective matter? It is out of bounds to boast of chastity, integrity, or honesty. Respect that everyone is morally equal simply because our moral and ethical tastes may differ.
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